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Thank You for visiting 1st Capital Insurance. Your #1 stop shop for all your insurance needs: Home, Auto, Health, Life, Business, Bonds, LTC, Mortgage Insurance, Annuities, and Accidental Death & Dismemberment. We represent over 30 A rated insurance carriers, that enables you to shop around and always know your getting the best policy at the best price. We encourage you to find out why we are the number one Florida independent agency volume leader in Homeowners Insurance. Homeowners is not all we do! Take a look at our state of the art website where you the client are in control.
Interested in “Quoting Auto Insurance Yourself?” Shop the top 7 auto companies at once. Take the driver’s seat, Click on the Auto link below. We have added a special feature to our website that will enable “YOU” the client to input your basic information. The data is instantly uploaded to Travelers, Progressive, Safeco(a Liberty Mutual Co), Mercury, Infiniti, EGI, & Foremost. In seconds find out how much you can save. You need to know if you are paying too much for your current policy.
Interested in “Quoting Health Insurance Yourself?” Shop the top Health insurance companies by clicking the health link below. To the left of the Health page you will see Aetna, Cigna, Coventry One, Humana, & United Health. Pick any company of your choosing or pick them all! Put in your basic information and choose a deductable, in minutes you will get a quote. If you would like one of our licensed agents to explain coverage’s or do the health quoting for you, then put your basic information in the get quotes now section to the right of the Health page.

Instant Auto & Health Quotes. Have the peace of mind that we do not share or sell your information
Get up to 7 instant quotes in one click. Travelers, Progressive, Safeco, Mercury, Infiniti, EGI, & Foremost.
We represent 13 A rated carriers. Let one of our agents show you why we are the #1 volume leader.
Cigna, Coventry One, Humana, & United Health Real time health quote Pick One or pick them all.
Make sure your business is properly insured.Speak with one of our agents to find out.
Long Term Care
The average cost of LTC ranges from $40k-85K per year. Americans are likely to need LTC insurance as they grow older.
Life, Accidental Death and
An essential part of financial planning and protecting your family and loved ones following a death.
Mortgage Insurance
A Shelter is the place that your loved ones call a home. Take the steps to ensure your home & family are protected.
May be a good vehicle for your retirement, tax benefits & a substantial investment that will grow over time.